No One Should Craft Alone

Build Relationships. Experience Fellowship. Discover Creativity.

Hi. My name is Jill.

I’m a Stampin’ Up demonstrator. I live in North Carolina and I have 9 kids. You read that right, NINE. I love my family and one day I thought about how big it was. I said to myself “Why not make it bigger?”. That’s what Stampin’ Up is for me. It’s family. I believe in creativity and relationships and those two things coming together. If you’re looking for a place to belong or people to connect too, you’ve found the right group.

I want to help people create community and then discover their creativity inside that community. 

Let Me Help You Discover Community and Creativity

Whether it’s through social media, at one of my camps, or one of our family events you’ll have lots of opportunity to share. In sharing you’ll find more creative ideas and better friends than you could’ve imagined.
Want to go deeper in our community? The best way is to join the Flourishing Family. This is more than just joining a group. It’s a way to connect with other creatives and develop deeper relationships.
Once you get ready to craft, you’ll want to start shopping Stampin’ Up. You’ll find all the crafting supplies you could ever need. And if you decide to join the family you’ll enjoy the family discount.

Create Something Amazing

After you have your supplies in, that’s when the real fun begins. From here you’ll want to start creating and crafting your very own Stampin Up Cards. Don’t worry, you won’t be doing it alone. The whole community will be here to help.

15 YRS

of Stampin’ Up Experience

Check out some of the cards I’ve made

It’s all about the experience

Being a part of Flourishing Finishes is such an enjoyable experience. The cards I buy or make from Flourishing Finishes are always creative and beautiful. They receive many compliments from the people I send them to. I like the option of buying cards and craft items especially during holiday times, along with having the option to attend stamp camps where I can make them myself. When at a camp it is a friendly and inclusive environment. I highly recommend Flourishing Finishes.

Susan Evilsizer

Each card is beautifully crafted and makes such a personalized gift. I receive compliments each time I give them and they are much less expensive than purchasing cards from the store. Turn around time from ordering to delivery of product is very quick. Great customer service. Highly recommend this store.

Melissa Baileys

I love our team meeting and having an upline that encourages us to be whatever we want to be. We have a team full of such talented individuals and Jill allows us to share our talents with one another. This team has really become like my family away from my family. We moved here a few years ago and I always look forward to getting together with Flourishing Family.

Christina Walker

Jill’s classes are always a blast. I’ve met many kind, genuine people. She’s always well prepared and teaches us new techniques, frequently. Each one of her class selections is a good bang for my buck, which is just one of the reasons I look forward to her classes every month.

Nicole George

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