No One Should Craft Alone
Build Relationships. Experience Fellowship. Discover Creativity.

Hi. My name is Jill.
I’m a Stampin’ Up demonstrator. I live in North Carolina and I have 9 kids. You read that right, NINE. I love my family and one day I thought about how big it was. I said to myself “Why not make it bigger?”. That’s what Stampin’ Up is for me. It’s family. I believe in creativity and relationships and those two things coming together. If you’re looking for a place to belong or people to connect too, you’ve found the right group.

Let Me Help You Discover Community and Creativity

Whether it’s through social media, at one of my camps, or one of our family events you’ll have lots of opportunity to share. In sharing you’ll find more creative ideas and better friends than you could’ve imagined.

Want to go deeper in our community? The best way is to join the Flourishing Family. This is more than just joining a group. It’s a way to connect with other creatives and develop deeper relationships.

Once you get ready to craft, you’ll want to start shopping Stampin’ Up. You’ll find all the crafting supplies you could ever need. And if you decide to join the family you’ll enjoy the family discount.

Create Something Amazing
After you have your supplies in, that’s when the real fun begins. From here you’ll want to start creating and crafting your very own Stampin Up Cards. Don’t worry, you won’t be doing it alone. The whole community will be here to help.
15 YRS
of Stampin’ Up Experience
Check out some of the cards I’ve made