Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed


Today is a busy day around our house- we are getting new carpet laid downsttairs and our house is flipped upside down :). All my downstairs everything is in the kitchen, garage, and mostly the front yard :). It’s been great. We have had such a joy watching them put it in. The children are so curious (for those that don’t know I have 4 little ones, oldest is 5) and asked tons of questions constantly. What a joy. They are now asleep while they work and instead of working myself I have just spend time with the Lord.

I have been really searching my heart today and been so pleased at the peace the Lord has given me. It’s been wonderful to dive into him more, maybe he wants that of me all the time. I have been meditating all day on this:

Psalm 139
23Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting

It’s a prayer I find myself praying almost daily. But today I have been praying and meditating on it almost hourly if not more.

I look at my sweet children, my house upside and I just praise God for it all. This card I made for my small group girls a few weeks ago and I love it. “God is never too concerned about our smallest wishes”….how true is that. Our heart, our wishes, our concerns….none of them are ever to small for him. He wants us to cast all of them on him and rest in assurance on him. To me that is just so awesome.

Sometime I used to spend my life pondering over the fact that I am a sinner, that I am not worthy, blah blah blah….however I just praise God for the confidence I have gained through him to just know I am a child of God. I am filled with HIS grace and HIS everlasting love and although I do sin and I do fall short, I am proud of who I am and I won’t be swayed down from that….I just want the love he has filled me with to outpour to those around me….if others see my heart then hopefully they will see him.

And that is what I pray for daily.

On another stamping note-Mandy from Limelight Papercrafts is doing a sketch challenge so you should go check it out and join in. I designed my card but can’t point since everything is not in it’s place.

I truly hope everyone has a blessed day!

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