Hello!! sorry I didn’t post yesterday, I got on to post last night and wordpress has updated their dashboard and I have no idea how to use any of it :). Usually I am all for changes, but last night not so much! I barely understand how to post anyway, now you change it and I am clueless all over again.

So, non the less I didn’t get anything posted, but there is lots going on! I want to play a game from yesterday just because it was fun….so, let me give you the scoop for today and last night :).

Limelight is having a game as well as a project presented today, so check out Mandy blog here. It will tell you what they had to create as well as where to go for the 6th day of Christmas (they are still playing the 12 days of christmas). It’s Bingo today!! Fun stuff. Their containers they had to design are SO awesome and there are lots cookie receipes to try!!

The other game I thought was fun was Fill In Friday- Jessica had this on her blog here. Something else I saw on Mandy’s blog and thought it was fun, So here is my go at it:

1. Snow is something we hope to get this winter!

2. I’m looking forward to celebrating Jesus’ birthday with our little ones as a family.

3. Anthony is the best husband ever!

4. One of my favorite old tv shows is Little House on the Praire.

5. I’m done with …would love to say laundry, but I have like 10 loads to do! LOL.

6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is watching the children learn so much about the birth of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas….they are just in awe of it and it’s so precious to watch.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to (past tense remember I needed to post this Friday) Family Fusion at church (it’s a fun thing at our church where the school age children bring their family to learn about the virtue they will learn for the month. It’s always a fun time for everyone), tomorrow my plans include visiting with Anthony’s family- his brother and his family are coming in from West Virginia and Sunday, I want to relax and enjoy the day of rest!!

Cute huh?! Anyway, I think that is about it for me here! I do have a little story if you want to keep reading about my oldest daughter. She came home last Sunday telling us she had to make an ornament and bring it to Family Reunion (she always gets that word confused with fusion because it’s hard….she is 5 LOL)….we asked her why and what for and she wasn’t sure, but she knows that her teacher told her that. Well, we forgot about it and come Thursday night I told her about it coming up and she said “Oh no mom, we have to make a glass ornament”….I said “we do are you sure”….my wonderful and persistent daughter insisted I email someone to find out. I emailed a friend that works with the little ones and she didn’t hear about it, so I told my daughter that and she said “email Miss Wendy (children director) she knwos everything”….so I did per my persistent daughter and come to find out SHE WAS RIGHT!! She was so proud of her being faithful, basically the teachers forgot to relay the message in the 2nd service and to everyone as a reminder becasue the phone systems at church broke, so it didn’t get very far, but becuase she was so faithful to remember she could still make one. Well, OF COARSE she wanted to! So we made this super cute snowman ornament. She was so proud and she got to put it on the tree at church and help out with a game for being so faithful and listening so well. She was thrilled!

We were so proud of her, that girl really does remember everything and she is very persistent, I guess it will be a good quality as she gets older! I was going to post a picture of her ornament but our battery is dead in the camera. So we are going to make another one and take a picture of it to show you guys this weekend :). Watch for it, She is way to happy about it!!

OK, if you got thsi far great. have a blessed day!!

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