Most of you have met my family, but I know there are some that haven’t. I have 9 children (yes you read that correctly). My husband and I have been extremely blessed by God! There is never a dull moment in my house. Currently I have toddlers and teenagers! Who knew they can sometimes act the same! (LOL, don’t tell them I told you that!). Anyway…. here is my family…

Cooper Clan!

Kylie is the oldest. She is currently about to graduate high school at 16! She crafts with me some on her free time (after she does her h.s. classes, full college load & goes to her other job). She’s been working with me since she was 10 years old. As she’s gotten older she works for me less (she wants a job outside the home lol), but she still enjoys helping me with the mother-daughter camps & designing the holidays goodies we sell each year.

Kaleb is a game loving young man. If this kid can make money playing electronics, he will find a way! This year he actually started doing mechanic work with his Papa, learning hands on from him & all of his years of knowledge. The nice perk to this, is he can help us with car problems when Anthony is at work! lol He enjoys sports, serving with children & goofing off with his siblings. He really loves to scare them, I guess being the oldest boy with 7 siblings, it comes with the roll. lol

Kourtney is my mini-me. She has a fierce heart and loves to draw. Can I freeze time & slow her down as she entered high school this year? She’d say no. lol She’s one of the few kids that got my brown hair, while still getting her daddy’s blue eyes. She loves learning & figuring things out….Gymnastic had her heart for many years till she hurt her knee. Now she works out with me daily, which I love. While she says we are mostly all old, the trainers keep her on her toes!

Kloe is a crafty one who spends lots of time in my office/craft room doing just about anything. She’s actually really good at paper crafting, but also sculpting clay, painting, etc. She did not get this from me! lol She also has a super huge heart & a big, hilarious personality. She helps me in the office some & helps with her little siblings. She loves learning & children. We are super grateful for the all the dynamic shifts she brings so everyone and everything in our home.

Kelstyn loves Barbies, babies and has a kind heart. She usually always has a big smile. She is beginning to help me craft. She enjoys making jewelry, cooking & making cards.

Kyndal is a people loving, strong willed little girl. She loves babies too! She keeps us on our toes and has since the day she was born! She acts shy at first, but she’s not. Don’t mess with her though because she may put you in a choke hold if aggravated (I’ll apologize in advance lol).

Kody (who is inbetween Kelstyn & Kyndal age wise) loves to play legos, trains and cars. He has a huge heart & loves Jesus. He’s a patient one, but the Lord must of knew he needed that being sandwiched between 7 girls. He has a smile that has always lite up the worm & dimples that gave him most anything from any one, especially the ladies. He still gets in wrestling & sword fighting with Kaleb & Kyndal.

Kensington (Kensi) loves to watch anything princesses and to play dress up. She is the most tender hearted & her perspective in life has shown up the Lord’s hope & love in life. Don’t get me wrong she is sassy & knows what she wants in life. I can’t even wait to see how the Lord uses her big personality.

Kaisley is a sweet, but a strong willed toddler, who will tell you exactly what she wants and thinks. (LOL) She’s always done things months before most because well, she has 8 others to keep up with. She’s amazing & spoiled rotten (in a wonderful way).

Thanks for getting to know us! We hope you enjoyed these sweet baby/kids pictures. Until next time, I hope you flourish!

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