My Blog

Things I love….

DSC05503 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed This Stampin Up set is just so super cute!! As you can see it says "Things I love....chocolate, shopping, new shoes...". Then you open it up and it says "but most of all you"....This set I knew I had to have once the...

Upcoming downline meeting card

DSC05506 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed My upline with Stampin Up is by far the best out there :)....she is so sweet and such a great mentor in life and with stamping. She makes it a point to stay in touch with her downlines and do whatever she can to help us...

Sneak Peak of next camp…

DSC05502 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Busy today trying to get well and trying to design cards for our next Stampin Up camp!! Our next camp we will be doing the FAMOUS 20 cards for $25.00!! This is always the most popular camp!! Of coarse you can see why,...

Autumn Days

DSC05081 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Autumn Days is one stamp set that is in the new Stampin Up catalog. At first I wasn't sure I would like it, however it grew on me....once I ordered it and got it in I just fell in love! It makes the simpliest, cutest...

Home Sweet Home

DSC05450 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Hello!! I didn't post yesterday because I was not feeling well at all!! I haven't been sick in yeras and yesterday I felt like I got hit like a ton of bricks. I even went to the dr, which once again I haven't done in...

My love for string instruments

DSC05077 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed I have been wanting this Stampin Up stamp set since it came out in the catalog a good whlie back....I used to play the violin and just loved relaxing, enjoyable and beautiful....I played from 4th grade through...


DSC05417 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed I am so excited!! Stampin Up has a new mini catalog coming out September 1st and it's SO awesome!! We have so many seasonal things in there, PLUS a huge new Build a Bear Line (yes we are teaming with Build a Bear!!) and...

WOW! How long has it been!!

I honestly believe I probably have 0 people checking out my blog these days. Since I haven't updated it in MANY MANY months! My apologies!! What has been going on in my life since my last post? Let's see: Heavenly Blessed had an amazing few months of growing retail...

Fun Night- It’s Gallery Crawl at Noda!

DSC04524 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Today it's beautiful and sunny here. We are enjoying the sunshine and hoping it dries out all the rain we have gotten, but not too much :)....we are just busy wrapping up and doing Friday chores to prepare for a restful...

Easter card using Sale a bration Set

DSC04502 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Sale a Bration is just my favorite time of year with Stampin Up, although they do so many good things I could pick many favorite times! This set I created using one of those sets (if you like it and didn't get one let...

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