Baby Shower for a friend

P1000492 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed A friend is having a sweet baby boy! She isn’t into the pink and blue traditional stuff :)…so I decided to branch out. I still had to stay “cute” as I can’t resist….but figured the...

UDI Color Challenge #20

P1000497 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed I loved this color challenge. It used some of my favorite colors. Always articoke, pretty in pink, regal rose and crumb cake! Check out the challenge here: UDI Color Challenge #20 My picture isn’t the best. I...

January Stamp Camp Goodies

P1000479 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed I was just so thrilled and estatic about all the new goodies, that we just had to use a lot of it :). So we made a lot of different things. I will post each item seperately so you can get a better, closer look of them....

UDI Color Challenge #19

P1000402 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed These card challenges are so fun. This one was hard for me. You can check it out here: UDI Color Challenge #19- The Color of Kabobs I love this Stampin Up big shot shower die! Hope you enjoy. Happy...

UDI Color Challenge #18

P1000400 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed   I haven’t ever done this before, but a few of my friends have been doing them and they have seemed so fun. So I thought I would give it a shot. The challenge is on there blog: UDI Color Challenge, Think Spring I...

January Stamp Camp Samples

P1000396 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed OK, so it’s a new year. A great time to start posting on my blog more! I apologize I have fallen off the planet with samples. My goal is to update this more regularly. I wish I could promise daily like I used to...

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