Sneak Peak at the new mini coming out!

DSC04341 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Stampin Up has a new mini coming out April 1st and they are evening allowing us to order a few sets begining in March 1st….this set is one that I just love! It’s called Wagon Full of Fun. Look how cute the...

Samples for Mandy’s workshop

DSC04269 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Hello! So I hate it’s been another few weeks, I promise that I will get back into this daily, I miss reading everyone else’s blog, chatting with people on my blog…. What have I been busy doing?? Well,...

WOW! How long has it been!!

DSC04281 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed I just realized today that I haven’t posted on my blog in ages!!! I am so sorry….boy how I have missed it. Trying to adjust to life and new situations the Lord is putting in out way… Around here we...

Happy Tuesday!

DSC04120 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed I almost said Happy Monday…guess that is a sign that I truly do have my days all messed up! How is everyone? Here is the southern NC state we actually saw snow!! Although we were suppose to get 2-5 inches and our...

All bummed out

DSC04119 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed ….isn’t this card too cute! I have had these stamps from Stamping Bella for many months and just got the joy of using them for a card order. Anyway, I thought it was so perfect to use today….becuase I...

Sneek Peak for Camp Coming up Friday, Jan 23

DSC04084 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed We are having a SU camp in Lowell on Friday the 23rd of this month and we are all very excited about it. Here is a sneak peak of all the goodies we will be making for only $12!!! You can’t beat it. I tried to have...

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