Our Challenge here at home!

We have a challenge here at home, however it’s not nearly as much fun as all these card challenges! We officially started “vacation” today, but we decided not to go anywhere. The Lord was really pressing on our hearts to stay home and invest a full...

CupCake Challenge

DSC03511 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed   I love cupcakes!! I had to do this! Here is a cupcake challenge from Odd Bird Planets site again. You can check the post out here or details on her blog here. I used Just Johanna stamps, all 3 of them. I just love...

Spring Time Challenge

DSC03510 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Check out the card challenge here, and see the details here at her site. I didn’t have any Just Johanna or the other kind of stamps, so I used what I had. This is Stampin Up’s new set although I can’t...

Limelight WCMD Game!!

So I am up bright and early exciting to see what all is going on and got the OK from my husband to play some fun games and do some fun challenges!! 🙂 You can check out Limelights game here! I have decided to just start a flickr set with my items all day and post them...

Our Growing Little Blessings

Lots of people want to see our little blessings, so I wanted to post current pictures of our little blessings. They are growing so quickly and are now 8 months, 2 1/2, 4 and 5. Today is such a gorgeous day here, we have been playing outside most of it. They are all...

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