Hard to believe it’s January

Hard to believe it’s January

It’s 2018. Isn’t that crazy?! As I reflect back on 2017 my heart fills with gratitude at all that was accomplished in my Stampin Up business. I almost doubled my income, doubled my monthly camps, grew my customer base, met a lot of new & wonderful...

What a Busy Birthday day…

DSC02544 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Today was my brother’s 29th birthday. You would think it was the children’s. They were so excited they woke up at 6:30 am wanting to bake all the goodies and go there NOW. We weren’t even suppose to be...

Is it really already Thursday?!

 Since I have been kind of MIA I wwanted to show you why!! 🙂 Just kidding. Well, not all the way. We have just been enjoying some family time, adjusting to some new family changes and loving on all these little blessings. Not to add, the additional one we just found...

The Baby is just too cute!

Last night we couldn’t get over the baby. Or was it 2 nights ago. She was trying to reach something under the chair but instead of going under she went over, it is halarious! Look at the pictures, I think I have them in the right order :). LOL Too cute! She was...


  This past weekend we went to a park close by and had pictures taken with our friends Tyler and Taylor Neal. It’s such a joy to take pictures with them. Instead of picture-taking being this dreadful thing where you are begging children to look and smile and you...

Quiet Sunday

DSC03038 Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed Today has been a wonderful and quiet day. Sunday’s are usually our day where we just rest and spend time with the family. If it’s football reason we watch the game, if not we just rest….it usually just...

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