Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed
I hope you guys remember me talking to you about my friend Mandy over at Limelight Papercrafts and how she is collecting cards for the children at the hospitals. This way each child with cancer will get BabyLegs and a personalized card. How cool is that!! What a great idea!! To see all the details, check out her blog here or here. This is another card sample I made for the children. Using a new Sweet N Sassy stamp set I just got in.  Now, the mention of Blog Candy…well, here is the dilemma, of course it’s a good dilemma. We are raising WAY more pairs of BabyLegs then we have cards for, so we need your help!! We need each of you to mail us 1….2….5….8 cards for these children!! Plus we need you to post about this wonderful project on your blog so others can come here, post and send cards as well! Remember, anything will do just keep it blank on the inside and relating to them on the outside (most anything will do, but I probably wouldn’t do birthday LOL)! So make some cards, find some old samples you have laying around…..go simple or detailed….have fun….HELP!! And….for doing that you could be entered to win this:

You are looking at more than $40 worth of goodies, all new (stamp set is mounted but new) and all we are asking you to do to win all these goodies is to just make some cards, post them on your blog, sending them back to this post so maybe they can help and then leaving me a comment on this post with a link to check it out. For every card you make, you get entered to win.

Already made a card? That is OK you can still get entered, just help us out by posting some info on your blog and leave me the link letting me know you already mailed yours and you will be entered as well. Then you just have to head to Mandy’s blog again to get the information so you can mail your cards to her!

We have extended the deadline to November 10th, so this gives everyone more time to help us out!!

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