This past weekend we went to a park close by and had pictures taken with our friends Tyler and Taylor Neal. It’s such a joy to take pictures with them. Instead of picture-taking being this dreadful thing where you are begging children to look and smile and you are either too hot or too cold (usually to hot)….when we take pictures we just get to run around the park, have fun, catch up with friends and capture some great pictures that are showing our true happiness! No fake smiles!

We have been waiting on pictures and when one finally came I got so excited. I thought this picture turned out amazing. Look at all those beautiful babies. I know I am biased, but still- they are just gorgeous! I look at my precious family and thank God for them!! They are such a joy in our lives and we are so blessed to have them. Granted not everyday is a great day in the Cooper Household, we truly savor the days.

Do you see our shirts? A friend of mine made them or us. They say “Cooper Clan”….that is what we call ourselves….she can custom design anything….it’s great! she has a website I should find it and check it out again!

My hubby is coming in here singing and rocking the baby….she isn’t feeling well, dealing with breaking a tooth and having allergy issues. I better go nurse her, but just wanted to show everyone the family am so blessed to be  a part of 🙂 :).

hope you guys have a great night!

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