Hey Stamping Friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!! I know we did. It was mostly a lazy weekend, which I feel like we needed. As a family of 11 things stay pretty crazy even on the lazy days. Ha!

I’m super excited to share with you that we have Flourishing Kids YouTube channel coming soon (like really soon)!! This has been another thing we have had in the makings for 2 years and I’m so excited we are finally making some of our dreams come true.

My girls LOVE crafting! I mean let’s be real…we have always be a FAMILY business. We all chip in to do our share to make this business successful and it’s a wonderful thing. Most of my children & my husband work behind the scenes in some way. My biggest vision for my business was to make it a family thing & as they grew, hopefully have a business with my girls. I got that vision from my Upline, Esther Boyle, watching her do her business with her teen girls beside her. My babies were just toddlers at the time… but the Lord just pressed my heart that one day that would be us! It’s exciting to see it unfold. It’s so much more than I ever dreamed up.

My girls enjoy crafting and want to share their creations with you. So we thought why not have an entire YouTube channel for the younger generation as well! So my older girls: Kylie (15), Kourney (13), Kloe (11) and Kelstyn (9) will be sharing videos on this channel. I think sometimes my son Kody (7) will even be sharing some things to represent the boys! They need cards too!

We think it will be super awesome & we can’t wait for you guys to be able to check it out and tell us what you think. We will start with my sweet Kelstyn (in the picture with me). Then up next will be my daughter Kloe. So really, stay tuned because you don’t want to miss what’s to come! It’s so cute!!

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