
Originally uploaded by Heavenly Blessed

Today it’s beautiful and sunny here. We are enjoying the sunshine and hoping it dries out all the rain we have gotten, but not too much :)….we are just busy wrapping up and doing Friday chores to prepare for a restful and quiet weekend….It’s a very exciting day….

My business- Heavenly Blessed- has a retail location at the Blvd at Noda- and tonight is the gallery crawl! It’s an exciting night where they stay open later and enjoy hanging out, etc….we plan to go and hang out :)….should be a lot of fun I hope to meet lots of people!! This picture if a picture of my booth with all my retail items!! I just expanded and added a few more lines. you can also check them all out on my website here. Everything is up except my Under the Nile Organic clothing- the website is under revamping, but check it out!! Let me know what you think 🙂

Hope everyone has a happy friday and a BLESSED WEEKEND!!!

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