This morning has been such a great morning! I am doing a little updating on the BabyLegs/Cancer Donation Project my company, Heavenly Blessed, is doing. I wanted to share with you some exciting news and also give some details if you haven’t heard. Of course I wanted to share a picture of my little ones. Check out their arms and legs. They LOVE BabyLegs. This is just a small example of how versatile they are…and how cute!!

If you haven’t heard about what is going on, my company Heavenly Blessed is collecting orders to donate BabyLegs to local (Charlotte, NC) children’s hospital going to children with cancer. For every 2 pairs you buy, my company will donate 1 pair, PLUS we will donate 10% of all proceeds to a local research company to find a cure. We have picked UNC Charlotte for our research group they specialize in breast cancer and other types of cancer/areas cancer is in. For more details check it out here.

Also, my friend, Mandy with Limelight Papercrafts wanted to help as well, so she posted it on her blog as well as started a request for handmade cards. Since so many of us are crafters why not make up some cards or donate some cards laying around (blank inside) so that each child can get BabyLegs and a handmade card. You can see my post about it in more details (with her link) right here. 

FYI is that our Goal is 100 pairs of BabyLegs. If we hit 100 pairs BabyLegs said they would donate 100 pairs of BabyLegs as well. Isn’t that awesome?! So I will be donating 1 pair for every 2 pairs, BabyLegs will be donating 100 pairs with our 100 pairs and I will be donating 10% of all proceeds. It’s just awesome. It doesn’t get better than that!!

Now for some updates on numbers and where we are in reaching our goal.

As of right now we have 34 pairs of BabyLegs!! That is awesome news. We started this project a week ago Sunday, and have about one week left. So if we can continue to get orders for the next week we can still reach out goal!!

If you guys can each pray about it and pass around the word. Every little bit helps. Each pair of BabyLegs are $12, but if you can’t even do that, contact me….even $2 or $5 helps!! We can put it towards a pair or towards research! 

Thanks so much for ALL of you who have donated!! The Lord is going to work mighty things through this and we are so blessed to be a part of it!!

Have a blessed Day! I will be back on with some cards or something I am sure!

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