Who We Are

More than just me

I started stamping when my oldest child was six months old and I was pregnant with baby #2. Now, with nine kids total, paper crafting and Stampin’ Up has become an important part of my life. Along the way I’ve made some amazing friends and I’ve watched my kids grow up surrounded by a meaningful community. 

When I started I couldn’t even draw a stick figure. But in the midst of community, fun, and building an extended family I discovered my own creativity. I learned to feel proud of myself and the things I can do. Events with my community consistently refreshed me and made me happy. That’s how I knew I had to help other people have this experience. I needed to share what crafting was doing for me. I was flourishing and I want other people to flourish as well. 

More than just me

Sometimes you’ll find I say “we” a lot. I’m sure it may cause you to ponder my sanity (many who know me well may say this is questionable on any given day, lol). I wanted to just take a minute to say, while I am one person, Flourishing Finishes is only something I can do with the help of many others. Behind the scenes, I have a village that helps me execute my dreams & visions. I’m so thankful for the large number of helpers that truly help me week after week & year after year. If you’ll give me a few moments I’d like to share about them.

Kylie is my oldest daughter. She’s been stamping with me since she was a toddler & actually loves it. Over the last year, she’s really grown as a person and in the business. She designs for and helps with mother-daughter camps and seasonal orders. She also helps with just about anything else.

Anthony is my biggest supporter and partner in life. A few years ago, when I decided I really wanted to pursue Stampin Up more, he decided he would step up in whatever way needed. While he’s already my biggest helper with all the virtual items I am trying to learn and execute, he also will get his hands dirty. He has helped cut late at night, cook food for team meetings, set up or tear down anything and he even helps me create for camps sometimes (but don’t tell him I told you! lol).

Like I said in the first paragraph, there are 8 other little ones (getting bigger every day) that are a part of this team as well as some people who may not be blood, but are still a part of my family. I hope that every visitor of this site gets the opportunity to meet all of these incredible people. If I said I lived an incredibly blessed life, I would be speaking lightly. I’m honored that my life is filled with the people that it is and a lot of that wouldn’t have happened without Stampin’ Up. 

Now you know about us. I can’t wait to get to know a little bit about you. So connect with our community and make sure you say hello! 


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